Medal of Honor: Warfighter has a lot of things going for it and it is a game that everyone needs to check out. Here is a collection of the 5 things one needs to know about this game.
Weapons Galore[]
As we have previously discussed on our weaponry guide, this game is packing almost 30 new weapons. That's thirty new ways to destroy your friends, family, and enemies. One of my favorite new weapons is the Glock 23. The gun has a magazine capacity of 13+1 rounds and is used by the Task Force Mako. Nothing is more rewarding than using pistols in multiplayer.
Quick Campaign Mode[]
One of the highlights of this game was that the campaign mode only lasted for thirteen missions. The writers of this series focused on keeping the story interesting but also compact. There were zero points in the game where I felt like the story was dragging on and on. By the time I got to the final mission, Shut it Down, the story felt wrapped up. It was time to play one the games' strengths, its multiplayer mode.
A Decent Multiplayer[]
The multiplayer mode in this game is generally good. While at first I had problems with it, it eventually became rewarding to me when I realized that the multiplayer allows for a wide amount of customization. The amount of customization and the strength of the Real Ops challenge allows for the multiplayer to be decent.
Awesome Vehicles[]
This game has some of the most interesting and unique military vehicles that I have seen in games. The RHIB is equipped with both the MK19 and a Minigun. Another pretty awesome vehicle is the MUSA Robot, which is used during the Shore Leave mission, as well as in multiplayer modes.
A Game For the Fans[]
While this game has had some critical reviews, overall I think this game is a perfect addition in the Medal of Honor series for the fans. The game does a decent job of furthering the story of Mother and Preacher and adding depth to their characters. The game provides a compelling-enough multiplayer mode. Finally, the game added just enough new weapons and elements to make the game feel fresh.