Medal of Honor Wiki

This is Spooky Rish. I know I have nothing to do here, as I am an outsider. But please take a minute to read this. I am the admin of the Respawnables wiki and the GunFaceOff wiki, which you will hopefully be a part of after reading this post.I also do have some Halo 4 knowledge, so I might consider joining this wiki if its ok with all of you people.

Last week, a friend of mine from the Respawnables wiki, Jacky50A, created a wiki called, "GunFaceOff Wiki". I am currently the admin of that wiki. We compare fictional and real life guns to each other. So, you can take the DMR from Halo 4, and compare it with the LongbowDMR sniper from Titanfall. You could also compare the classic Blunderbuss from the Respawnables, and compare it with the Noisy Cricket from MIB. These comparisons we call 'Face Offs'.

We are currently looking for lots of contribs, so I posted this message here in case any of you guys were interested!


(sorry for making this so long, please bear with me!)

A face off lasts one - two weeks. People vote in a poll(and sometimes comments). You won't be allowed to say, "I vote for the double barrel shotgun 'cause its awesome :D."  Votes like this won't be counted. Face offs will usually be a video, commentary is recommended, but try not to influence the voter too much.


We won't be having any face offs until the wiki is much more active than what it is today.

(please forgive me for advertising my wiki here, but more contributors in my wiki would really help me. :D)

Thank you very much for your time. Spooky Rish

(and the rest of the GunFaceOff wiki) :D