Bellow is the story behind the last Medal of Honor from an article written in 2014 by the MOH-France team.
It's not the most recent news, but it give a good idea of what went wrong with the latest games in the franchise. I wanted to share that story, because I think it's important to let everyone know of what happened behind the scene. Here is the article translated into English bellow:
"Few weeks ago [2014], a rumor floated on the VK social network informing the arrival of the next Medal of Honor in 2015. Unfortunately, Electronic Arts conference at E3 was sterile on the Medal of Honor series. The rumor was lost and the story behind the failure of EA and Medal of Honor took place.
We all know, Danger Close is now known as DICE Los Angeles. The developers in this team are responsible for maintaining Battlefield 4 alive by concocting various patches, due to an unfinished game, and the development of DLC. IF you have the latest BF4 DLC, Dragon’s Teeth, you’ll find some recycled things from Medal of Honor Warfighter as the EOD robot or weapon customization features!
Aside of the situation, the group Medal of Honor on VK social network gives us a gold mine on the atmosphere of the studio that prevailed until the release of Warfighter. Statement true or not, here it is…
A former employee of Danger Close said that DICE and Electronic Arts intentionally killed Medal of Honor, Danger Close Games was not responsible for the poor quality of the last two games.
The studio had orders to don’t use the full capacity of the Frostbite engine. A lot of features were not used correctly such as destruction. The graphics have been deliberately reduced in order not to overshadow the Battlefield series.
The day after the release of Medal of Honor Warfighter, EA executives have informed the failure of the game and the developers and their studio would close under “DICE Los Angeles.” Some developers have tried to share their ideas to make the next Medal of Honor, but the publisher, not too attentive, suggested they would fit now for the good of Battlefield.
When EA announced Medal of Honor 2010, the proposed restart of the series, the cohabitation between Danger Close and DICE was not cheerful. To ensure the coup, Electronic Arts has entrusted the development of multiplayer by DICE, leaving the campaign for Danger Close. Danger Close had a lot of greedy ideas for multiplayer in terms of weapons, modes and maps, they informed DICE, but DICE ignored them considering them as immature.
You should know that Medal of Honor 2010 has received good reviews for his solo campaign and not for its multiplayer considered too sloppy ..
These stories of former employees of Danger Close leave to think about the strategy of a publisher making impasse to the passion of a development team in order to continue the community that surrounds it."
It's also a good idea to watch this video from GVMERS about the Rise and Fall of Medal of Honor.