Medal of Honor Wiki

Hello, this is everyones favorite radio brodcastor back to talk about the new singleplayer trailer for Warfighter. The video starts with Preacher and Mother observing Sheik and a group of terrorists with hostages in Basilan. Sheik in anger/annoyance of the terroists shoots and kills one of them. Then Tiger 12 the NAVSOG Leader shoots the HVT Marwan al-Kalifa in the shoulder under the orders of General Barrera, who told Preacher not to fire on the HVT. Preacher and Mother then leave the rooftop and go into the flooded Phillipene roads to meet with the NAVSOG and SEAL squads.

The squads then move into a warehouse where terrorists are waiting for them. During the firefight we are shown a modified HK416 with a Trijicon ACOG and iron sights to the side. After the firefight they continue through the water to see a transport helicopter shoot down and more terrorist prepared for combat. During this firefight we are shown how the new destruction feature can create better cover and how the NPC act (Calling out explosive threats etc). The squads soon reach a balcony where overwhelming forces are waiting. Soon the player switches over to Stump as a door gunner in a helicopter. They then show us how the minigun works in Warfighter and more destruction. The video closes out with Mother complementing Stumps job.

Other news[]

It was revealed that when pre-ordering Warfighter not only will you get day 1 access to the SFOD-D Pointman if pre-orderd from gamestop you will also get 2 maps based off of real life events thet lead up to death Osama Bin-Laden at the hands of one of the worlds finest, the US DEVGRU.


Basilan Single Player Gameplay Trailer -- Medal of Honor Warfighter

File:Zero Dark Thirty Map Pack Trailer - Medal of Honor Warfighter