Medal of Honor Wiki

This is my review on Medal of Honor (2010). It may contain some (i.e. a lot) for anti-call of duty references and quite a lot of explosions

So, Medal of Honor has finally arrived at the N-S household, the first MoH game since 2005. But is it any good? Put simply...HELL FUCKING YES! (quote Terrence Sweetwater)

The review[]

Medal of Honor's singleplayer starts in the dark, empty town of Gardez. AFO Wolfpack drive through the city to find a guy named Tamir, but end up in an explosive firefight through buildings, forts and garages. Tier 1 Operator Rabbit is the player's first character, and as the team advances the battle grows in intensity. Here, any other game may well fall behind in the graphics and gameplay of such a fight, but the superb work by Danger Close games makes sure that the Unreal 3 Engine works at it's best.

The gameplay of MoH 2010 is utterly superb, balancing the realistic and the exciting. Switching between firemodes on an M4 Carbine, peeking round a corner to toss an M67 frag grenade, and sliding into cover behind a rusting plane. No other game series can offer such a great balance of skills, not even the "mighty" Call of Duty. The fights are hectic, and your survival depends on your skill with a weapon, and the skills of your ears. Team mates call out locations of hostiles, helping you find, track and eliminate the enemy.

The singleplayer itself is very promising, with a great narrative and a superb set of missions to work through. I haven't fully completed the storyline as of now, but the missions sure are great!

My rating[]

For a great bit of gameplay, but some laggy moments, i give the singleplayer a 9/10

But what about you?
