Medal of Honor Wiki

Still on the fence about getting Warfighter on the PC? BF3 Premium Members (on any platform) can get a coupon for 50% off either of the PC downloads available through Origin. (If you don't have premium, it's not too late! You can qualify once you buy Premium!)

Go to and enter your origin login. (In case you're confused, it's the same as the Origin ID you use to login to Battlelog or the Origin client)

If you qualify for the coupon (being a BF3 Premium member and living in specific areas), you will be given a coupon code and redirect to the Warfighter page on Origin. The code works for both the Limited Edition ($29.99 after coupon) and Deluxe Origin Only Edition ($34.99 after coupon).

Alternatively, there's a little blurb about the promotion on the origin home page on the right hand corner under the deals section that will allow you to buy the BF3 Premium Edition (or just BF3 Premium) and Warfighter at the discounted rate at the same time. (BF3 Premium and BF3 Premium Edition are still full price)

(Piggy backing off my Xbox BF3 Premium, I purchased the Deluxe PC Edition, and it worked perfectly!)

Even if you aren't buying warfighter now, go ahead and snag your coupon! They're valid until November 23rd and can be given to a friend if you don't want it!

Bagwsp (talk) 21:15, October 21, 2012 (UTC) aka HUGGIESroxFace (Xbox)