"Those things that are precious are saved only by sacrifice."
-Private David Webster
Saved By Sacrifice is the third campaign mission in Medal of Honor: Airborne.
This mission takes place on D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy. The map is in an uphill area, with large, grassy fields to the south, a network of trenches in the middle, and a set of bunkers to the north.
- Secure Audouville Battery
- Collect M18 Bundles
- Clear and Secure Spotting Tower
- Destroy Radar Antenna Relay
- Knock Out Tiger Tank
- Clear Concrete Casement
- Clear Pillboxes
The enemies found here are largely Waffen infantry and a few European Heer infantry. This Mission also Marks the Waffen Officers' first appearence.
Skill drops[]
- Near the green flare safe zone here, there are two skill drops in the large houses.
- In the small ruined house between the spotting tower and the radar antenna.
- There are another pair of drops near the spotting tower. One of them is near the concrete bunker outside, while the other is a narrow concrete wall near the entrance to the tower.
Any weapon previously unlocked will be available for the player. Only two new weapons will be introduced, the StG-44 assault rifle and the M18 Recoiless Rifle, which is mainly for destroying the Tiger tank.
- Pfc. Boyd Travers (Playable)
- Col. Scott Webb
- Cpl. Towne
- Pfc. Rossum
- Pfc. Wirth
- At the beginning of the mission, when the C-47's left engine is on fire, one soldier reported what he found to a pilot named Jimmy. This may be a nod to James Patterson from the previous games, who has experience with the plane.
- The Unknown Radio Operator mentions a Soldier named "Tech Corporal Riesenberger" but the U.S. Army never had a rank called "Tech Corporal". Technician 5th Grade is the rank that was probably meant.
Background Music[]
- "Following the Demolition Wires" (Before the jump) (MoH: Airborne Soundtrack)
- "The Road to Tobruk" (General Background) (MoH: Underground Soundtrack)
- "Beneath the City" (While fighting the Tiger Tank) (MoH: Underground Soundtrack)
- "Das Flakturm" (MoH: Airborne Soundtrack)
- "Taking out the Sighting Tower" (MoH: Airborne Soundtrack)
- "Rjuken Sabotage" (MoH Soundtrack)
- "Sniper Town" (In the Spotting Tower) (MoH: Allied Assault Soundtrack)
- "The Streets of Paris" (During the quote and in the Casement) (MoH: Underground Soundtrack)
- "Amongst the Dead" (MoH: Underground Soundtrack)
- "Room by Room" (MoH: Airborne Soundtrack)
- "After the Drop" (MoH: Frontline Soundtrack)