The Nagant M1895 is a Belgian revolver featured only in Allied Assault's expansion packs. The Nagant revolver was made for the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union adopted it and served as their service pistol along with the Tokarev TT-33. Mostly it was used by the secret police and officers in the army. The Nagant revolver was well known for it's sturdiness and it was favored by many.
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Spearhead and Breakthrough[]
The Nagant Revolver is the standard sidearm for the Russian Forces. It too, is also powerful but is a little less accurate than the Webley and reloads slower. It is standard for Russian Forces in Multiplayer. The Nagant is best used in close-range since it's damage and accuracy drops when the distance extends. While not officially appearing in Breakthrough, it can be used by using cheat code to unlock all weapons.
- An inaccuracy during gameplay occurs when the gun is shown being reloaded while the hammer is cocked, which is not possible as the cylinder is locked in place when the hammer is cocked.