Medal of Honor Wiki
For the transcript, see Midnight Raid On Guadalcanal/Transcript.

Midnight Raid On Guadalcanal is the fourth mission in Medal of Honor: Rising Sun.



  • Reach Landing Area
  • Reach Outpost
  • Destroy Ammo Dump
  • Secure Depot


  • Collect Intelligence Documents (5)
  • Destroy Generator



Cheat - Bullet Shield (Entrenching Tool required)[]

Deep into the jungle you can find a two story structure without walls, the same structure where one of the film canisters is. Underneath that structure there's a tunnel blocked by a body of dirt. Use the Entrenching Tool to collect the cheat and gain access to the tunnel beneath for a shortcut.

Film canister 1 - William Lapsford and Roy Roush (Valor in History)[]

At some point player will come across a camp with a large crane vehicle. Climb on the very top crane vehicle to find a film canister. It's easier to climb on the crane from behind the vehicle.

Film canister 2 - Storyboards[]

At some point into the jungle you can find a two story structure without walls. The second film canister is hidden behind some obstacles on the first floor. You will have to climb some crates from the back side to reach the film canister.

Multiplayer Skin - Tarver (Skeleton key required)[]

Near the depot at the end, there's a big barracks building you have to clear. The skin chest is located inside that building just before the depot. Like all skin chests, you need the Skeleton key of the level to unlock it.

Secret area[]

Once you enter the jungle, after you exit the tunnel after the first ambush, you will find a truck with an MG on the back. On the of the truck there's a body of vegetation that can be cut open with the Machete tool. That gives you access to a bonus area where a Type 11 LMG can be found and picked up. There have to be around two more of these secret areas around the map that also have the Type 11 LMG but it's hard to pinpoint them as the map is chaotic.

You can also find a POW in one of the enemy camps. If you save him, he will cut through vegetation opening a shortcut for you to reach the objective from an alternate route which allows you to flank the MG before the last tunnel route.



Historical Info[]

Guadalcanal, a small island in the Solomon chain, became a critical battlefield for control of the Pacific; Japanese planes based there could cut the Allied supply chain to Australia. A small US force invaded the island under cover of night and faced their enemy for the first time in dense jungle and hostile terrain.


  • Despite the fact that the cutscene ends with the raft floating among the jungle, when the level begins, the raft is still approaching the island.
  • It is somewhat odd that G. Novotny is among the allies encountered on the level, as he is clearly seen getting killed in the end of the level Day of Infamy.
  • With the exception of Gunny, any surviving squad members that follow the player after the rendezvous ambush will stop at the lone pickup truck at the end of the cave, and will remain at that location while the player advances further with Gunny.
  • Davis and Adams do not appear on the raft if the game is played in co-op, and neither does the second squad of American solders.
  • Some enemies behind will resurrect when the player exits the cave and reaches the Japanese depot.
  • In the Prima Strategy Guide for the game, it states that the skeleton key used in this level would unlock Joseph Griffin as a playable character in multiplayer. However, the skeleton key actually unlocks Tarver.
  • If the player starts throwing grenades at the Type 95 Ha-Go standing near the ammunition depot, the tank will come to life and start shooting at the player.
    • In co-op, the tank will actually move and attack the players.
  • The letters from my sister in this mission showed a magazine on the cover of which an American F-86 Sabre aircraft, which appeared in the late 1940s, was shown. This is probably a developer mistake.
  • In the end cutscene Griffin can be seen armed with a Trench Gun, however the weapon is not available to use in the level.
  • In an early video preview featuring the level, the player's loadout included the Type 100 Submachine Gun and Silenced Pistol. Both weapons were cut from the final game.