Medal of Honor: Infiltrator is the sixth installment in the Medal of Honor video game series.
Tiger at the Gates[]
Pulling Teeth[]
Trail of the Beast[]
The player takes the role of Corporal Jake Murphy, completing five missions to defeat the Axis between 1942-43. The game was made exclusively for the Game Boy Advance and was released on November 17, 2003 and features 15 levels (3 levels for each missions) spread across three theaters, North Africa, France, and Norway. Alongside fighting on the ground, the player will also be able to assume the role of a deck gunner aboard a U.S Navy vessel as it makes its way along a river through French Morocco.
Upon completing all of the missions the player unlocks Survival Mode, in which the player is given a fixed environment where he can choose a weapon (much like Medal of Honor: Airborne) and then fight an endless swarm of enemies. The objective is to see how long the player can survive and then try to beat his personal high score.
Upon completing all missions and bonus objectives the player may unlocks Max GI mode, where the player must complete every mission continuously without turning off the game system.
Infiltrator is technically both a third-person shooter with a fixed view and a first-person shooter blended together.
Through the use of a link cable, Medal of Honor: Infiltrator supports up to two players.
The vast majority of the Soundtrack was re-used from previous games. However, they were slightly altered by making them sound synthesized, rather than orchestral.
- MoH: Allied Assault (Main Theme) (originally from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault)
- North Africa (originally from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault)
- Tiger Tank (originally from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault)
- Attack on Fort Schmerzen (originally from Medal of Honor)
- The U-Boat (originally from Medal of Honor)
- Sturmgeists Armored Train (originally from Medal of Honor: Frontline)
- Emmerich Station ((originally from Medal of Honor: Frontline)
- The Jet Aircraft Facility (originally from Medal of Honor)
- Stopping the V2 Launch (originally from Medal of Honor)
- Sniper Town (originally from Medal of Honor: Allied Assault)
- Ascent to the Castle (originally from Medal of Honor: Underground)
- Some weapon sounds were also reused from Allied Assault such as the Thompson and the M1 Garand
- The Missing in Action level uses music that is not a remake of songs from previous games. In the album, he for the unknown reasons is missing.
- If you lose (lose all lives) you can hear a remake of the song Ascent To The Castle. Unfortunately it is impossible to hear in the album.
- Depending on the mission, after the loss (loss of all lives) you can see a certain cutscene (that is, to the missions "Tiger at the Gates" and "Thunderbolt" will be shown cutscene associated with the African campaign and the army of Rommel, and to the mission "Trail of the Beast" associated with Kriegsmarine).
- If you replay a level in the "Quick Start" section, the background song of all levels will be a remake of Sniper Town.