The M1919A4, also known as Browning or simply is an American machine gun designed by John Browning and saw heavy use during World War 2. The M1919A4 also makes appearances in a few Medal of Honor games. The machine gun both saw use by infantry and aircrafts as well. The M1919A4 was the MG42's allied counterpart however the rate of fire was the half of the MG42.
It is a fixed weapon, found only during the level "Seaside Stowaway" mounted upon a destroyed jeep. It has unlimited ammunition and a high rate of fire, making it very similar to the German MG-42.
The M1919 is seen mounted on a jeep and can be used during Operation Torch. The M1919 doesn't appear in Spearhead but returns in Breakthrough. In the final mission of Breakthrough several M1919 mg's can be used. It has unlimited ammo and can't overheat.
The M1919A4 sees heavy usage by the United States Marine Corps throughout the Pacific campaign. There is one in each foxhole during the battle ofBloodyRidge, which the Americans use to stall the Japanese attackers from overrunning Henderson airfield. They are also used in standalone emplacements, usually at American checkpoints. The M1919A4 fires from a 100-round ammo belt, with decent accuracy and power. It has a relatively long reload, and usually comes with between 400 and 500 rounds in backup. The M1919A4's aircraft version appears on the SBD Dauntless.