If you are looking for a similarly named rocket launcher, see here: M16 Rocket Launcher.
The M16 is an American assault rifle. It has served as the standard U.S. infantry rifle since 1968, following the phase-out of the older M14 battle rifle. Firing 5.56x45mm NATO rounds, it can deliver medium stopping power with good accuracy. The A4 variant is available in Medal of Honor (2010), and strangely fires in full-auto. Its carbine variant, the M4A1, is also available in Medal of Honor (2010).
Medal of Honor (2010)[]
The M16A4 is only available in multiplayer.
This is the starting weapon of the Coalition's Rifleman Class. It is best for intermediate distances where accuracy and rate of fire are what count the most. The weapon deals medium damage with a high rate of fire, low recoil, and low idle sway. Although it only has a thirty-round magazine, most bullets will make contact, ensuring ammo-efficiency. The M16A4 also automatically comes with a M203 grenade launcher, which holds 1 grenade.
Veteran M16A4[]
The veteran M16A4 has slightly better range than its normal counterpart, in addition to a more worn look and some makeshift desert camouflage.
- Extra Magazine
- Red dot sight
- Suppressor
- Open-Tip Ammunition
- Combat scope
- Muzzle Brake
- Veteran M16A4
- Extra grenade
- The events of the game happen in 2002 but the M16A4 enters service in 2004.
- In real life the M16A4 can only fire in 3 round burst and semi-automatic but in Medal of Honor (2010) it fires in fully-automatic, a trait only the M16A1 and A3 have.
- The reload animation of the weapon is very similar to that of the M16A2 from Battlefield: Bad Company 2, which is a game that was made by DICE, who developed the multiplayer of Medal of Honor (2010).
- However, the M16A4's reloading animation lacks the charging handle being pulled like in the M16A2's reloading animation.