Corporal Boyd Travers was a paratrooper who is highly known for his heroic actions as part of the 82nd Airborne Division and the 17th Airborne Division during World War II.

Travers performing a training jump.
Before becoming combat ready, Travers performed three practice jumps from an aircraft in Kairouan, North Africa on March 24, 1943 in order to receive his Jump Wings.
Infinite Mischief[]

Travers at his first mission briefing.
Travers was soon assigned his first mission, to secure the village of Adanti, Italy. After a briefing, Boyd was ready to go and thus, on July 11, 1943, he and his fellow soldiers were airdropped to their mission location.
Boyd and his allies fought through enemy forces to reach their location and managed to capture the village. After assembling with other Airborne forces, Boyd and his team were given numerous orders including locating a missing sniper team, eliminating a German commander, and repelling the enemy counterattack.

Airborne forces dropping in after Boyd secured Adanti, Italy.
After a great deal more of rough fighting and struggle, Travers and his fellows soldiers successfully performed all tasks and completed their mission. Although their mission was costly, the completion lead to the dropping of a great deal more Airborne forces.
The Show[]
Later on September 13th, 1943, almost two months after his successful mission in the village of Adanti, Travers would undergo his second mission just north in the Paestum Ruins, a set of Roman ruins controlled by the German Wehrmacht. Boyd successfully completed his mission objectives by securing the ruins and the hilltop temple.
Saved By Sacrifice[]
On the afternoon of June 6th, 1944, Travers would parachute behind enemy lines at Utah Beach near Audouville and battle Waffen and Heer troops. Travers would successfully complete his mission objectives by securing the Audouville Battery to allow the Utah Beach landings.
The Opening[]
On September 17th, 1944, Travers would partake in his final mission with the 82nd Airborne Division and his 4th combat mission in the city of Nijmegen, Holland during Operation Market Garden.
During this mission, Travers clears out the city of German resistance and a Tiger Tank. Travers also sabotages a bridge demolitions equipment to allow a team of American tanks to cross the bridge. Travers does successfully secure the city of Nijmegen and the bridge.
At the end of the mission, Colonel Scott Webb promotes Boyd Travers to Corporal under recommendation of Captain Campana, due to his coolness and composure when dealing with enemies.
Young Fools[]
On March 25th, 1945, Travers is assigned to the 17th Airborne Division to secure the factory drop in the Ruhr Factory District of Essen, Germany. As Travers secures the zone, he destroys multiple armored vehicles on railcars, and a railgun. As Travers nears the end of his mission, he regroups with the rest of his division, multiple Nazi Storm Elite Troopers massacre them but are taken down by Travers himself. Travers completes his last objective by destroying a Panzerzug Engine and its two cannon cars.
Flying Through Hail[]
On March 27th, 1945, almost a full 2 years after his first mission, Travers is assigned to his final overall mission in a partially destroyed flak tower near the Ruhr Factory District in the city of Essen. As Travers is ready to jump into the battle below, his plane is destroyed by anti aircraft guns. Travers fortunately survives the explosion and his parachute opens, allowing him to join the battle.
As Travers progresses through his mission, he destroys multiple artillery guns, AA guns, and disables ammunition lifts to cease the flak tower from firing at allied forces. Travers and a few other allied soldiers then regroup with engineers in the ammunition storage where they have wired the storage to blow up with TNT.
Travers and his teammates are ambushed but luckily escape through the sewers, as Travers ascends through the sewer cover, he sees his teammates Pvt. Wirth dead and Sgt. Setzer mortally wounded as he tries to reach for the TNT detonator. Setzer finally succumbs to his wounds as he cannot detonate the TNT, but Travers does, and detonates it. The flak tower is finally destroyed and Boyd Travers is the last of his team to survive.
Awards and Decorations[]
Travers was awarded the following during his service:
- Soldiers Medal
- Legion of Merit
- WWII Victory Medal
- Bronze Star
- Silver Star
- Distinguished Service Cross
- Marksman Badge
- Sharpshooter Badge
- Expert Badge
- Parachutist Badge
- In the picture seen above, Travers is wearing sergeant chevrons, implying a promotion at some point during or after the game.
- Both Dane and Setzer were sergeants, but oddly wear private insignias. This makes Travers the only man in the squad with a visible Sergeant rank insignia.
- It is possible to hear him breathing heavily due to fall damage and coughing when a grenade or a tank shell explodes near him.
- In the mobile phone version of Airborne, it was explained that Travers has two brothers from the 101st Airborne Division.
- He is the sixth and last character in the WWII Medal of Honor games in which he is not an OSS operative.
- Boyd crosses paths with Jimmy Patterson the same number of times as Frank Keegan in the franchise. First during the participation in D-Day in France and later in the battle of Arnhem.
- When he botches a Landing he can be seen wearing a black watch on his left wrist.