Medal of Honor Wiki

Queen Armada Queen Armada 4 October 2011

Medal of Honor the Movie

Medal of Honor should be a movie series.I support it for it will have alot of action and to have a game from the movies.It would follow the skeam of Medal of Honor.Konami would be a great one to do the games with Medal of Honor.I would go with great Medal of Honor hero character could be from GI Joe,First Blood and of course great soldier heros from Terminator.Medal of Honor Valkyrie.Medal of Honor could have a plot with alot of tanks,fighters,navy and alot of WW1 and WW2.Medal of Honor Modern Warfare the movie.Long and full of action in the movie,fireworks and alot of intelligent narrative fr…

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AwesomeSauce360 AwesomeSauce360 24 September 2011

Are you SERIOUS?!

NO ONE is on here anymore. Just me. Someone needs to start editing. C'mon, what happened to BC Matsuyama? NO ONE IS HERE. Ok, ever since I created this account the activity has gone down 50%.

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Theunsuccessful Theunsuccessful 7 September 2011

thought on panther

hey guys, you know during the campaign in MOH 2010, when panther says he has eyes on the situation w/ rabbit and mother? if he did, was he the only operator there on takur ghar AT NIGHT, or was vegas with him too? and what in the world is he doing @ a dangerous time like that? thanks for sharing Theunsuccessful 03:30, September 7, 2011 (UTC)

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 18 August 2011

Medal of Honor: Frontline available for download on the PlayStation store

Well, it's been far too long since I've been able to do a proper news blog, but here it goes: the HD remastered Medal of Honor: Frontline has been made available for download on the PlayStation store for 15 USD. The remastered version of MoHF has several changes that were made to it. The primary selling point is its redone textures, but the remastered game also comes with several other features, inlcuding ironsights and a more modern control scheme (though the old-school control scheme is still available).

No word yet on a PC or Xbox 360 release.

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Theunsuccessful Theunsuccessful 11 August 2011

hi im new

Hi, i'm new to the wiki system so please forgive my errors. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself and I just have one question, if you will; i bought the moh 2010 bundle that came w/ a 160 gb ps3 and uncharted 2. it says on the game disc itself that its the limited edition, so does that mean i get the bonuses too? thanks Theunsuccessful 03:34, August 10, 2011 (UTC)

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AwesomeSauce360 AwesomeSauce360 18 June 2011

Rating the Games!

Medal of Honor- 9/10

Medal of Honor: Underground- 8/10

Medal of Honor: Frontline-8.5/10

Medal of Honor: European Assault-4.5/10

Medal of Honor (2010)-7.5/10

Medal of Honor: Airborne-9/10

Medal of Honor: Rising Sun-7/10

Medal of Honor: Vanguard-3/10

Please comment your opinion on the games, and I love constructive criticism!

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AwesomeSauce360 AwesomeSauce360 29 May 2011

Do You Want a Medal of Honor (1999) Remake? Yay or Nay?

P.S.- No Medal of Honor (1999) remake is under production. sorry if I got your hopes up :(

Just wanted to know your thoughts for the future (If they even make a remake)

Please include:

  • Wishlist
  • How you think it could be done (Because the graphics are so bad)
  • Any extra features (Controller updates, Online Multiplayer, etc)

Jimmy Patterson collection? (MOH (1999) + MOH:Frontline pack)

Please let me know!

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AwesomeSauce360 AwesomeSauce360 28 May 2011

This is Just Scary

A new Chinese FPS game "Glorious Mission" turns the American Armed Forces into the bad guys. We all know that America is in debt and needs to pay China back and outstanding 1.7 trillion dollars and rising. And some even believe the U.S. and China will be in a war because of it. the title of the game "Glorious Mission" is even scarier. What could this glorious mission be? To check out some gameplay, go to this link: and to read the article:

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Sonic100jam Sonic100jam 15 May 2011


Bad News! A vandal has been posting some hidious pictures on Wikia. We don't know who the vandal is because he has been banned multiple times and he keeps creating multiple accounts. But what we do know is that he goes by the name Meepsheep.

So Everyone on the Medal of Honor Wiki, keep a good eye out for this vandal.

Wikis I know that has been vandalized:

  • Sonic News Network
  • iCarly Wiki
  • Glee Wiki
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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 7 January 2011

Update - Medal of Honor sequel

An article I discovered recently claims that the developers -- Danger Close games -- is hiring for an unannounced triple-A game... which can only mean Medal of Honor, since that's the only game they're supposed to be working on.

I would be very surprised if they weren't working on Medal of Honor 2011 or 2012. Hopefully this time they will r-use their assets instead of restarting. And God, don't let DICE handle the multi!!!

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 4 January 2011

Epic facepalm.

Read this.

God, what have we become...

Evil overlord YuriMy conquests!Bow before me! 22:01, January 4, 2011 (UTC)

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Wikimaster123 Wikimaster123 26 August 2011

Future dlc ideas ??

  • be great if we had

- more guns

- more attachments

- customisable characters



- able to create maps with some kind of map editor adding a little more to the game

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Ausir-fduser Ausir-fduser 17 December 2010

Wikia's Game of the Year vote

You can vote for your favorite game of the year in Wikia's Top Games of 2010 poll. It doesn't have to be Medal of Honor, of course - there have been quite a few excellent games released this year. If your favorite game is not on the list yet, you can simply add it.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 14 December 2010

A personal appeal from Medal of Honor wiki overlord Zirkon.

Now on sale at Best Buy, the Medal of Honor 10th anniversary pack is and has been available for purchase for a while now. It's a great deal if you're looking for a holiday gift! Just 19.99 USD for three of the best Medal of Honor games on the market -- Allied Assault (and its two expansions), Pacific Assault, and Airborne.

Conversely, if you are a modern-era player, Pacific Assault and Airborne are both available for purchase at 9.99 USD each, a significant price-drop from the January price of 29.99 for Airborne and 19.99 for Pacific Assault.

The 2010 release of Medal of Honor is also on sale at (oh the irony) 29.99 USD.

It'll really help you edit here. It will help me. PLEASE. We need to be more active. I want a real userbase!

Zirkon Bow before …

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 8 December 2010

Shortcut packs available,

Copied from the page on the main website:

Ugh, why did they do that? Now all the nooblets will have the highest tier weapons.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 9 November 2010

Medal of Honor -- 2010

I'm going to have this as an objective review.

  • 1 The game
  • 2 Gameplay
  • 3 Graphics
  • 4 Story
  • 5 Multiplayer
  • 6 Rating

MoH puts you in the boots of several characters. These range from Apache pilots to rangers to Spec Operators. Unlike its predecessor game, Medal of Honor: Airborne, it follows a particular storyline, and mirrors "true" events. Not saying Market Garden and Husky never happened, merely that the character was not real.

The control scheme is largely taken from Call of Duty. If you're playing Airborne and are wondering if the controls are the same -- they aren't. Airborne used what can be seen as a "true" MoH scheme. L2 and R2 buttons instead of the L1/R1 scheme.

While some features -- IE Leaning -- are preserved, it is an entirely different game sty…

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 5 November 2010

Good news!

A sequel is going to be made.


Hooray! 15 MoH games... God, it feels like it was just yesterday that I broke the crystalline case of the original game... Hopefully they will reuse their assets instead of making the game from scratch this time.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 5 November 2010

Want to play against the devs themselves?

Well this saturday and sunday, you have a chance to do just that.

First up will be the Xbox 360 session on Saturday, November 6 from 1pm to 4pm PST, and on Sunday, November 7, you’ll be able to play with Danger Close on the PlayStation Network from 1pm to 4pm PST. To play, simply add the Game with Dev Xbox Live gamertags or PlayStation Network IDs provided below.

Xbox Live Gamertags








PlayStation Network IDs









On an unrelated note:

From November 5 (at 12:01 am EST) to November 7 (at 11:59 pm EST), EA will be hosting a Play and Win event, giving you a chance to take home some awesome Medal of Honor prizes. To enter, …

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 2 November 2010

DLC air time.

EA has released a schedule for the release of the two new DLC content. Here's the list:

  • Xbox - went live at 2am PST
  • PC - went live at 8am PST
  • PS3 - will go live at 3pm PST.

For those of us on the east coast, add three hours to that time. Just putting this here in case you didn't know already.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 1 November 2010

Another gametype announced!

On November 2, Clean Sweep won't be the only gametype released -- DICE have decided to release another gamemode on the same day, called Hot Zone, which will cost 9.99 on the PSN/Steam network or 800MS points for Xbox Live. The description of Hot Zone is this: a king-of-the-hill style domination gamemode where two teams fight to take and control a single, central objective. Whoever holds it the longest wins. It also features two additional maps and two rehashed maps -- bringing the grand-total to 8 additional maps. I dunno about you guys, but I cannot fucking wait.

Update from Heatedpete:

Just to say, the Hot Zone game mode may be released as part of a deal using the EA Gunclub. No deal/information has been released as of yet, but it may arrive…

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Alex Martin Rider Alex Martin Rider 23 October 2010

Why is this image so small?

Is there a larger version of this image?

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 20 October 2010

Gametype "Clean Sweep" and two new maps coming soon!

On November 2, expect a new gametype called Clean sweep to be released, along with two new maps (Khyler caves and Bagram hangar). It's a last-man-standing type game, essentially a team deathmatch with no respawning. This'll add about another 10 hours of playtime to my account, because I love this kind of gameplay. Afterwards, though, I'll likely spend most of my time playing New Vegas.

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Heatedpete Heatedpete 15 October 2010

My review on Medal of Honor 2010's Singleplayer

This is my review on Medal of Honor (2010). It may contain some (i.e. a lot) for anti-call of duty references and quite a lot of explosions

So, Medal of Honor has finally arrived at the N-S household, the first MoH game since 2005. But is it any good? Put simply...HELL FUCKING YES! (quote Terrence Sweetwater)

Medal of Honor's singleplayer starts in the dark, empty town of Gardez. AFO Wolfpack drive through the city to find a guy named Tamir, but end up in an explosive firefight through buildings, forts and garages. Tier 1 Operator Rabbit is the player's first character, and as the team advances the battle grows in intensity. Here, any other game may well fall behind in the graphics and gameplay of such a fight, but the superb work by Danger …

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TheSandwichOven TheSandwichOven 13 October 2010

Medal of Honor opinions + New Book

On this great day, the 12th of October, 2010, Medal of Honor was released. The series has been alive for 11 years now. Anyone who has played the game, please put your opinions about it below in the comments section. Achievement hunters have started their hunts too. Critics have given ratings mostly around an 6.0 to an 8.0. with an average of 75 on Metacritic. Users gave ratings around 0.0 and 9.0.

On another note, on this day, the same day of the 12th of October, 2010, I got a new book called: Ten True Tales Battle Heroes: Voices from Afghanistan. It focuses on ten soldiers during Operation Enduring Freedom (2001-present). One of them (a Green Beret) was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Which, in-case you don't know is the second hi…

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 13 October 2010

Medal of Honor now available for sale in North America!

Yep, the new Medal of Honor game, Medal of Honor (2010) is now available for purchase. I, personally, bought the game, and Goddamn if it isn't one of the most fun I've had. So now begins the hard part: making as complete as possible all articles related to Medal of Honor. Unfortunately, our European friends will have to wait until Friday.

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Alex Martin Rider Alex Martin Rider 11 October 2010

Should I?

I'm not sure if I want the new Medal of Honor. I haven't followed the series at all and to to be honest, it looks like BFBC2. (Not flamebait, just my uninformed opinion.) I'm getting kinda tired of Call of Duty, which I have followed since it's first game. What do you think? Should I get the new MoH game? And what are some reasons I should?

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 9 October 2010

*MASSIVE SINGLEPLAYER SPOILERS* There is a stream at showing off the SP of MoH.

Check it here. If you didn't read the title, there are MASSIVE SPOLIERS.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 7 October 2010

Medal of Honor: Frontline remastered footage released.

As I was surfing the web today, I came along this:

So in case you yunguns don't know, the new Medal of Honor is not the first one. This game, Medal of Honor: Frontline is arguably the best MoH for consoles to be released yet. Essentially, it was like Allied Assault, but for the PS2. It has always been my second favorite game in the series, after Allied Assault. In addition:

Confirmation that the Jimmy Patterson in the Leave a Message trailer is in fact the grandson of James Steven Patterson. Dear God, let Tuesday come faster, because I cannot wait any longer. The epicness of this game is too much to keep away!

I don't get why the screen shifts over to the right. It just happens, and I can't do jack about it. Sorry.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 7 October 2010

Entire Medal of Honor soundtrack now available for purchase on Itunes.

EA has released the entire MoH soundtrack on Itunes -- and let me tell you, it is very different from past titles' soundtracks. It is available for just 5.99 USD for the album, and 0.99 USD per song.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 6 October 2010

The new wikia layout is now available!

Wikia, after some server problems earlier this afternoon, has released the new layout for all wikis. It can be enabled in the preferences, although it will still be possible to use Monaco until the 3rd. What does this mean to us? Well most things will remain the same. However, it will now be easier to do certain things with the wiki, such as designing a custom look. (Which we have already done). In addition, some of our current coding, such as Common.JS and Monaco.css are not compatible with the new look. Feel free to give feedback here, but remember that we cannot change anything about the current schedule.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 6 October 2010

"Dusty" has been made an available character for "Mysims"

I've never played the game, but apparently our own Dusty is now available for purchase as a Mysims character for EA's MySims Sky Heroes. Make of this what you will; I have never played the game and honestly don't intend to, but hey. talk about slow news...

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 4 October 2010

Medal of Honor open PC beta is now live!

The open PC beta is now live for play. If you have downloaded the client, you can now access the game and play through matches. If you would like to participate, simply head over to the main site and download the client under "Open PC beta". It's free, and it can give you a bit of experience with what is to come. Make sure to download it quick, though, it'll only be available until this Thursday.

If you have the beta, please add some content to the wiki!!! There's only a few days to get this info!!!

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 3 October 2010

Machinima releases "Art of the Game", featuring EA LA and Medal of Honor.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 2 October 2010

Open PC beta client now available for download

Here's the link. Currently it is not possible to play, but it will/should be on monday. If you have a PC that meets the requirements for the beta, try downloading it. The main menu looks really good, and although you can't access anything, it looks like it'll be a good, solid, high-quality game.


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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 1 October 2010

A message from the Exec Producer of Medal of Honor.

Well, that's that, I suppose. It's a valid move, changing the name. It won't have a direct effect on the game, but of course, we have to go and rewrite all our articles about them.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 30 September 2010

MoH TV commercial

Well if anyone's been looking at the MoH site, you'll notice they frequently make updates. This time, a commercial for MoH will be released this Sunday (October 2nd). Nothing really new about it, it was just your average TV promo.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 29 September 2010

MOH exclusives

Copied directly from their blog, they have explained the exclusives that come with the video game:

The Limited Edition of Medal of Honor comes with an exclusive coalition Spec Ops class skin, access to the MP7 SMG, the TOZ194 shotgun, the 870MCS shotgun, and an invitation to the Battlefield 3 beta. As an exclusive to PS3 owners, Medal of Honor: LE also comes bundled with a re-mastered version of Medal of Honor Frontline. If you’ve already pre-ordered the game and you’re not sure about your status, fear not; every copy of Medal of Honor that is pre-ordered is automatically upgraded to the Limited Edition, regardless of platform of where you bought it.

For those who have pre-ordered at GameStop, you’ll receive the M60 machine gun (the most eli…

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 28 September 2010

New wikia look to go live next month.

Well if you didn't already know, Wikia is getting a makeover. Now, I personally don't like it. I like the Monaco skin better, and I know it'll be hell to make Oasis (the name of the new skin) fit with the series. I personally feel Oasis is poorly laid-out and hard to use.

It goes live on the 20th next month, and the option to use Monaco will be removed on the 3rd of November. It's not our choice, we don't have a say in the matter, but that's wikia's plan, and they're going to stick to it. Perhaps by release, it'll be made to look and work a bit better, but that's a longshot.

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 24 September 2010

Open PC Beta on October 4th, and new multiplayer mode.

As can be seen at the official site, there is a new Medal of Honor experience video, this time for multiplayer.

Now, before the video begins, there is a message that comes up. It states, "Play the PC open beta on October 4 at". What does this mean to us? A second beta? Kind of unusual to have a closed beta followed by an open beta ten days before release.

PC beta info here.

The video itself is much more cinematic than the previous vids.

Now, the actual video shows us that there will be a new multiplayer mode: Objective Raid. Attackers need to destroy an objective and the defenders, of course, defend. Unusually, the attackers this time are the Taliban. There will be a machinegun turret (simply labeled "Machinegun" in the killfe…

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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 17 September 2010

Servers confirmed. But guess what? They'll be having console servers, too.

As something I've only seen before with Killzone 2, there will be dedicated servers, for consoles. The difference? The servers this time are third-party servers instead of being based on one particular console. What does this mean for concsole players? Of course, it means that gameplay will have a lot less lag, there will be no 'host migration' or anything of the sort. All in all, this is a good move -- this will be the first 'mainstream' game to feature dedicated servers on consoles.


In a semi-unrelated point, there are some previews of the game. Now we know the names of three singleplayer levels. Glean what you will from this.


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TheKnightOfOyashiro TheKnightOfOyashiro 16 September 2010

Exclusive IGN preview of MOH 2010

IGN has released an exclusive preview of the new Medal of Honor game, and it goes into some nice details.

Most notable features are:

  • Leaning returns in the singleplayer.
  • Mission briefings in between each level. Here's hoping it will be like the Airborne briefings.
  • It's possible to ask friendly AI for mags.
  • It's possible to slide while running.
  • The combat shown seems to be the same from the Leave a Message trailer. The other soldiers make references to the D-Day landings, which is a reference to Jimmy Patterson's landing in Medal of Honor: Frontline.
  • The chopper shown in the Gunfighters preview is on rails. It also flows from the other mission, where the character gets bogged down by enemy fire. That's why they were blowing up that village.
  • There's a…
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Heatedpete Heatedpete 16 September 2010

MoH Experience part 4

Ok, part 4 of the MoH experience is out, so here's a roundup of what's new and some features to be debated on:

  • Adjustable zoom on Barret M82. Could this be a feature in multiplayer?
  • Optional thermal optics (i.e. player can switch between visible and infra-red light optics)
  • M110 SWS? Looks very similar to that weapon, but could be a modified SR-25
  • New character, name unknown. Has same voice as Sullivan from Call of Duty: World at War, so could it be same voice actor?
  • Three weapons carried by player: MP7, M110 and M82, though the M82 could be a specific area weapon.
  • M82 has realistic recoil, large varition in recoil pattern.
  • Trip wire landmines. Possible Coalition multiplayer weapon?

No flame wars please. Any posts not on topic will be deleted. (my b…

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 3 September 2010

Game Pulled From Military Bases

Military personnel looking to pick up Medal of Honor this October will have to do so off-site. The Army and Air Force Exchange Services has announced that the game will not be stocked in any on-base GameStop or other post exchange in U.S. military bases worldwide. The reason is because of the inclusion of Taliban fighters in the game's multiplayer, naturally.

The commanding general of the Army and Air Force Exchange Services explained that this is done out of respect for the men and women who have fought against Taliban insurgents.

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 1 September 2010

New Zealand Minister Condemns Game

New Zealand’s Minister of Defence, Wayne Mapp, has spoken out against Medal of Honor, which will allow players to control Taliban insurgents and fight against other players controlling coalition forces in its multiplayer mode.

"This game undermines the values of our nation, and the dedicated service of our men and women in uniform," said Mapp. “Terrorist acts have caused the deaths of several New Zealanders.

"Hundreds of New Zealand servicemen and women have put their lives on the line in Afghanistan to combat terrorism, and this month Lieutenant Tim O'Donnell died in action over there.

New Zealand? Really?

Source: GamePlanet.

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 24 August 2010

Medal of Honor defended by Call of Duty's Military Advisor

In a surprising news story, Call of Duty's Military Advisor, Hank Keirsay has defended the fact that the Taliban are in the new Medal of Honor. A quote about the Taliban form him:

"Those are hard little f**kers," he says. "From a soldier perspective, I gotta admire certain qualities in those guys. They're not fighting for Al-Qaeda. Maybe one or two of them is. Most of them are fighting 'cos they've always fought. They've got what someone told them is a foreigner in town. They're gonna come down from the mountains with their little AKs and rally with other guys and try to beat the foreigner out of there."

This is a guy who definitely understands video games. Why can't more people be like this man?

Source: Destructoid.

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 23 August 2010

British Politician Speaks Out

Another day, another person who is criticizing the use of Taliban in the new Medal of Honor. Today's opponent of the game is British Politician Liam Fox who states that "“I am disgusted and angry," says defense secretary Liam Fox. "It’s hard to believe any citizen of our country would wish to buy such a thoroughly un-British game. I would urge retailers to show their support for our armed forces and ban this tasteless product." Will the backlash over this game ever discontinue? I wonder if all of this controversy will actually help or hurt the sales.

Original Article: Destructoid.

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 19 August 2010

Nothing But War Profiteering

We have already heard the criticism rallied towards this game from Fox News, now many soldiers have spoken out about the upcoming Medal of Honor. Many of them feel extremely mixed towards this game. One member was quoted as saying ""The creation of games like these is war profiteering," states Justin Polaski, "The same profiteering that Blackwater, civilian contractors, and companies that produce ACU backpacks for school children participate in. War profiteering of any form is unjust and constitutes a true insult to those who have served overseas."

Original article: Destructoid.

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 16 August 2010

Use of Taliban criticized by Fox News

In an extended segment which was featured on the news channel, Fox News, they debated the issue of using the Taliban in this game. They commented that the game was "allowing players to play as The Taliban against the US, with the objective of gunning down American troops". See the original article for more information.

What are your feelings about the use of Taliban in this game? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Source: Original Article

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 20 July 2010

New News Feed

As a way of preparing for the upcoming release of Medal of Honor 2010, we have placed this handy and easy to use "News" feature on the main page. If you have any news related to Medal of Honor, feel free to share it. Also, don't forget that we are still looking for an active admin, so if you are interested contact me.

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Chantufan Chantufan 17 June 2010

Confirmed Weapons in MoH 2010

I saw these weapons at the Sony E3 multiplayer demo: M21 Battle Rifle, M16, M4, M24 sniper, Tomahawk missiles, the M9 pistol, (the names of the above are confirmed) possibly a M249 SAW or M240 Machine Gun, and a grenade launcher. (called Rifle Grenade Launcher in-game) In the other videos possible weapons are the M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle and the M60 Machine Gun.

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