Ballistic Armor (previously Tank Stance) is a class specialty for the Demolition class in Medal of Honor: Warfighter.
By default, the Demolition soldier does not fully make use of the heavy ballistic armor he is wearing (only the increased blast resistance is active by default). Triggering the Ballistic Armor specialty lowers helmet face shield (the design varies between factions, though all of them restrict vision) and reduces your movement speed to a crawl, but subsequently grants you 100 points of armor on top of what the current health was.
In addition to showing the numerical condition of ballistic armor, damage is visually represented on the full face polymer masks with fractures to the face mask (metal helmets do not suffer from this, though have a smaller viewing port than the polymer ones).
Once the Ballistic Armor is depleted, the mask pops off and you resort back to actual health. There is a minimum time frame where the player cannot put on the mask after just taking it off. There is a 5 second recharge before it is available.
Soldiers using their Ballistic Armor have a special icon next to their name when the crosshair is pointed at them (or they're spotted by the player's buddy), and make a very distinct impact noise when shot. Explosives, Offensive Support Actions, and the "Heavy Hitter" rounds from the Pointman class are effective ways to make short use of an enemy's ballistic armor.