The 82nd Airborne Division is a faction in Medal of Honor: Frontline, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Breakthrough, Medal of Honor: Vanguard and Medal of Honor: Airborne. The 82nd also known as the "All American Division" first saw action in World War 1 as an infantry division. In 1942 the division went through a convertion and became an airborne division. The 82nd along with 101st gained a legendary reputation in World War 2. The 82nd played a major role in the Invasion of Panama in 1989. Later the 82nd was deployed in Iraq and currently deployed in the Middle-East.
Medal of Honor: Frontline[]
Members of the division fight alongside with James Patterson in Rough Landing. Their objective was to destroy several Panzer IV tanks and to Jimmy in his infiltration into Kleveburg.
Notable Members[]
- Captain Tarver
- Corporal Barnes
- Private First Class Terry Langteau†?
- Private Timothy Connor†
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Breakthrough[]
82nd Airborne soldiers appears in the Sicily campaign. Later in the mission John Baker and Terry Lyndon must reinforce and support them in taking the village of Gela from Italian forces.
Notable Members[]
- Lieutenant Joe Phillips
- Johnson
- Private Hudson†?
- Private "Mack" McMartin†?
- Private Michaels†?
- Private Johnson†?
- Private Gobs†?
- Private John†?
- Glider Pilot†
Medal of Honor: Vanguard[]
The 82nd plays a major role in Vanguard. Frank Keegan and his squad are part of the 82nd Airborne.
Notable Members[]
- Lieutenant Jon McCollum
- Master Sergeant John Magnusson†
- Sergeant Frank Keegan
- Corporal Stephen Garrett
- Private First Class Tom Chalmers†
- Private First Class Harrison Pike
- Private Mike Slauson
- Stanley
- Strickland
- Bazooka Operator
Medal of Honor: Airborne[]
In Medal of Honor: Airborne the player gets to play as Boyd Travers, a paratrooper in this division.
Notable Members[]
- Colonel Scott Webb
- Captain Campana
- Sergeant Dane
- Sergeant Setzer†
- Corporal Boyd Travers
- Corporal Towne†?
- Private First Class Wirth†
- Private First Class Rossum†?
- Private Harding†
Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond[]
A group of 82nd Airborne Paratroopers can be seen in one of the preview screenshots of the game.
- The 82nd Airborne soldiers that appeared in Breakthrough wear 101st Airborne arm patches and share the same face texture; this seems to be caused by a developer oversight.
- In Breakthrough some 82nd Airborne soldiers' model uses the 34th Infantry Division's desert unifrom with an added parachute.