Medal of Honor Wiki

The 17th Airborne Division nicknamed: "Golden Talons" is a faction Medal of Honor: Vanguard and Medal of Honor: Airborne. The 17th Airborne Division was formed in 1943. The 17th was participated in the Battle of the Bulge and Operation: Varsity. The division was deactivated in 1945. After it's deactivation the 17th's members were split off. Most of them transferred to the 82nd Airborne Division while the other half transferred to the 13th Airborne Division which was preparing for the Invasion of Japan. After Japan's surrender all of the division's units returned to their parent formation and the division was offically deactivated in September 16th, 1945.

Medal of Honor: Vanguard[]

Frank Keegan and his companions became the member of this division after Operation: Market Garden he has been translated from the 82nd Airborne Division. They fought in last mission Operation: Varsity.

Notable Members[]


Medal of Honor: Airborne[]

Boyd Travers, Setzer, Wirth and Scott Webb became the member of this division after Operation: Market Garden they has been translated from the 82nd Airborne Division. They fought in two last mission: 'Young Fools' and 'Flying Through Hail'.

Notable Members[]



  • In Vanguard all members of the 17th Airborne Division are wearing the Insignias of the 82nd Airborne Division.
    • Also, several members of the Division can be seen using MP 40s instead of their own weapons. But this is historically accurate, as the MP 40 was very popular among american troops and as such was quite often scavenged and used by them.

