If there was a voice actor For Lt. James Steven Patterson, who would it be?
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Hello MOH Wiki community. I'd like to input my discoveries on Medal of Honor Rising Sun about all collectable skins, cheats and items as well as hidden bonuses and routes that the levels have. I'd like to ask before I start adding stuff to the level descriptions. I plan to add a new section called Walkthrough that will describe the player's path through the levels, and a new section called either Replay Items, Bonuses or Secrets. Do I have permission to make an initial edit in level 3 "Invasion of Phillipines" as an example? The game has tons of hidden bonuses and collectables that I recently discovered and achieved myself through the whole game. I am confident I found all of them and I would like to make them easier to find from casual users because that information was not easy to find and discover, let alone accomplish in the game. I know the game is over 20 years old, but for the sake of the game's history, I believe it's important that there is enough information about all aspects of the game as much as we can.
Just Updated
Hi all,
I am looking for the Dedicated Server Installer for Medal of Honor Heroes. The available links to download the thing have been dead for years [i.e. https://planetmedalofhonor.gamespy.com/View5e40.html?view=MoHHeroesFiles.Detail&id=1]. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone on this subreddit still has the installer. I know, it's a long shot, but if someone downloaded it in the past and still has it on their PC, it would be of much help to me.
I was curious about the transcript for Singapore Sling, should I make one or let someone else do it?
Am I allowed to post the videos up?
When Medal of Honor Warfighter released, I started working on a website. Medal of Honor HQ (wordpress.com) I want to bring some stuffs from my website to the wiki, since I will close my site.
Since EA is shutting down all servers, my idea was to make this Wiki a place to find information about this series in a clean and organized way.
Also, is it possible to delete those files which are duplicates or useless:
Thank you
I will love to see him on the show called who do you think you are.
Today on January 22, 2022, marks 20 years since Medal of Honor: Allied Assault was first released on PC.
The M16A4 in Medal of Honor (2010) is an international sale model (901) and not a service model (905). The wiki even mentions it but I guess nobody reads wikipedia these days.
Since it's mostly undocumented, Pacific Assault actually auto-sets most of your settings depending on your PC.
Due to this, certain graphical settings do not get enabled on Modern Systems due to it being a bit faulty with modern hardware.
If you are aware of any working means to enable postFX, Dynamic shadows or any other graphical feature via tinkering with the game files, please add it to https://medalofhonor.fandom.com/wiki/Fixing_Pacific_Assault_on_Newer_Systems so we can get allow as many people as possible to play the game as best looking as possible.
Now I know what you may be thinking when you read the title. no I'm not suggesting separate wikis for each game. What I'm suggesting is a sub for older (1999 to 2010) WW2 games. why am i suggesting this? well I've noticed by browsing the brothers in arms wiki its more or less abandoned with only the mod and a few users still actively using it, comparing it to this wiki and the call of duty wiki its about as abandoned as gearbox's treatment of the BiA ip. This proposed wiki would allow people to discover older world war 2 games and their related wiki's. along with spreading older game's it would allow us to compile information like: these games have the MP-40, this one has the Fg-42 and these don't, this game has tiger 1's in north Africa while this one doesn't... etc. For comparing in real life stats of weapons to their appearances and stats in different games it would be a weird hybrid between the actual Wikipedia and wiki-fandom, from historical facts and actual events games portray, to the games and the liberties they take. As stated in the start of this post, it's only a idea and isn't a final proposal or a actual wiki, but i just wanted to share this idea. Please feel free to share this idea, and comment any games that fit the criteria or your own ideas for a wiki like this? To the admins of this wiki I apologize for breaking up the discussion of Medal of honor, but where else to propose a idea like this than to the wiki of the game series that started the whole world war 2 game trend.
What do you use to take screenshots of Medal of honor frontline do you use a capture card or something.
If you don't mind me asking could any owners of Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond please send me pictures of the Models seen in the quatermaster room.
First are the Mannequins at the back of the room which are shown both will Allied and Axis uniforms such as the American tank crews and Gestapo agents.
Next are the Vehicle models seen on the table such as the Heinkel He 111 bomber
If you could get these images i will be very thankful